For different wall heights please adjust the figures accordingly.
Sleeper retaining wall design guide.
How to build a sleeper retaining wall retaining walls are never cheap or easy but building one from timber railway sleepers is probably as cheap and easy as you are likely to find.
For simplicity it is based on installing a 1 metre high retaining wall with 2 metre sleepers.
As the sleepers are simply screwed together their construction is well within the abilities of most people without any specialist building experience.
A 2m sleeper weights 74kg and a 2 4m sleepers weights 90kg this needs to be taken into consideration before planning a wall so if space is tight lighter is usually better.
Concrete sleeper s a.
Construction of retaining walls in different regional city councils have different rules and regulations to follow when building a retaining wall.
This guide is a basic outline of how to install a concrete retaining wall.
This system should equally work in a curved wall situation.
Go to section 3 1 or 4 1 of this document for retaining walls without fences above and section 3 2 or 4 2 for retaining walls with fences above up to a maximum of 1 8m high fence.
Select the appropriate design table s depending on whether or not there are fences located above the retaining wall.