Still hormone therapy does seem to lead to memory problems in some men.
Side effects of prostate cancer treatments.
The bladder and rectum sit just above and just behind the prostate respectively.
Most side effects are temporary can be controlled and generally improve over time once treatment has ended.
Remember you need to let your doctor know what s going.
Prostate cancer treatment what cancer patients their families and caregivers need to know about the coronavirus.
Because the prostate is close to several vital structures prostate cancer and its treatments can disrupt normal urinary bowel and sexual functioning.
If you are facing prostate cancer we can help you learn about the treatment options and possible side effects and point you to information and services.
Until now however there haven t been good long term data to help oncologists help men with prostate cancer make informed choices about treatment that take these side effect risks into account.
These effects are related to the organs around the prostate.
There is growing concern that hormone therapy for prostate cancer may lead to problems thinking concentrating and or with memory but this has not been studied thoroughly.
Sometimes these side effects are temporary and get better with time.
Prostate cancer treatment side effects of radiation therapy can be divided into early occurring during or shortly after treatment and late occurring months or years after treatment effects.
The medicines you take to treat advanced prostate cancer are strong.
Many side effects of hormone therapy can be prevented or treated.
Webmd explains the use of radiation therapy for prostate cancer including internal and external radiation therapy how radiation therapy is performed side effects risks and more.
The type and severity of side effects you have with external beam radiation for prostate cancer may depend on the dose and on the amount of healthy tissue that s exposed to the radiation.